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FIA's MarketVoice Podcast

Jun 24, 2021

In this episode, FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken talks with three distinguished economists to discuss the economics of rulemaking and current issues before the SEC and CFTC. Jeffrey H. Harris served as Chief Economist and Director of the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis at the SEC (2017-18) and was the Chief Economist at the CFTC (2007-2010). Prior to joining Delta Strategy Group as a partner in 2013, Jim Overdahl worked as Chief Economist for the SEC (2007-2010) and as Chief Economist for the CFTC (2002-2007). Erik R. Sirri served as the Director of the Division of Trading and Markets at the SEC (2006-2009) and was the Commission’s Chief Economist from 1996-1999. This podcast covers topics such as retail trading phenomenon, crypto assets, the role of ESG products and pricing carbon, and the state of market structure in equities and futures.